The age old… question?

To challenge this, we have a pleasant Savannah House for you to download and import into your Minecraft world. Here is the file:

This house was admittedly made in Creative Mode, as the majority of the structure is Polished Deepslate and Calcite, which are both new materials in 1.17. Calcite currently only generates as the shell of an Amethyst Geode, so it may be difficult to obtain enough for a structure of this size.
To import this house into a world, you will need a Structure Block, which is only available to operators using the /give command. You will also need to enable Creative Mode. On a multiplayer server, this can be done as an operator by running the commands:
/gamemode creative
/give username minecraft:structure_block
The savannah_house.nbt file will need to be placed in one of the following locations.
For Single Player:
On Linux: /home/username/.minecraft/saves/worldname/generated/minecraft/structures
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\saves\worldname\generated\minecraft\structures
For Multiplayer:
e.g: /opt/minecraft/world/generated/minecraft/structures
Once the file is available, in game, dig out a block at the front right side of where the house should be placed, and drop in the structure block.
If you right click on the structure block, ensure you have the “Load” screen toggled, and fill out the information as follows:

Pay special attention to the y offset of -20, to ensure the basement of the house is loaded at ground level properly. Also, ensure “Include entities” is set to ON, so the house decorations will load. Unfortunately, there is a bug MC-102223 which will cause paintings to not load at the correct location, so this may require some minor redecorating.
Click LOAD (on the right side), and the bounding box should show the area the house will be loaded at.
Right click on the structure block, and click LOAD (on the right side) again, and it will load the structure into your world.
Remove the structure block from the ground to remove the bounding box, and enjoy!